- Rýchle odkazy
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- For Students
- Overview of Studies
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- Bachelor Studies
- Master Studies
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- Exchange Students
- Contacts
- For Everyone
- Information about
- For Applicants
- Enrolment of applicants for Bachelor's studies
- Accommodation for students of the Faculty of Civil engineering STU
- Important Dates & Deadlines
- Admission Process
- Fees & Tuition
- Contacts
- Faculty
- Presidium of the Faculty
- History
- Focus and Priorities
- International Activities
- How to Reach Us
- Video Presentation
- Science & Research
- News
- Actualities
- We increase students' competences in the field of digitalization of construction
- The engineering award and honorary mention were received by graduates of our faculty
- The success of our students in the Bachelor 2024 competition
- We commemorate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science
- Open Day 2025
- The most "Student of the Year" awards went to students from our faculty
- The SvF floorball team took the second place
- SvF student Adam Tarana is the Student Personality of Slovakia
- The defibrillator is ready to help also at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of STU
- Our best students received their awards
- Autumn excursion of building technology students
- Our faculty collaborates on an international project on centralized heat supply
- A young generation of engineers on the way to a sustainable future: Our student's participation in international training
- Our Cities Will Be Better: Faculty of Civil Engineering STU Attends the Start with Children Conference
- The first Slovak-Japanese workshop on infrastructure monitoring
- Conference contributions welcome
- SAIA and EURAXESS Slovakia 2023 Christmas Party
- Summer Schools Offers for STU Students
- Call for vacancy: excellent researcher
- Offer of assistance in connection with the conflict in Ukraine
- Expression of support for Ukraine
- New semester – first 3 weeks online
- 6th Annual Inspireli Awards 2021 winners announced
- Distinguished Award for Professor Ing. Jozef Hraška, PhD.
- The beginning of teaching in the winter semester will be in a distance way
- Quarter to Quality Education – a Survey
- "Rendez-vous Pro" France Alumni
- Information about the nationwide testing for COVID-19
- COVID-19 Curfew - Recommendations of the Rector
- Information about the Autumn Semester 20/21
- Statement of the Foreign Police of the Slovak Police Corps
- COVID-19 Update
- Faculty of Civil Engineering
- COVID-19 Information
- Invitation for exhibition Architecture for Viniculture
- Open doors day 2016 in FCE
- New Issue of Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering
- Faculty of Civil Engineering at the CONECO 2014
- Vienna Green Summer Academy
- BEST Bratislava – recruitment for new students
- International Office of Study Departement
- Henry Darcy Medal 2011
- Managing IT Human Resources: Considerations for Organizations and Personnel
- SEFI WG Women in Engineering and cooperation
- 9th International Geotechnical Conference on Geotechnical Monitoring
- 10th International Workshop on Research and Education in Mechatronics REM 2009
- The Research Council of Norway/NANOMAT
- A Lecture on “Energy and Climate Policy – Norwegian Perspective”
- Job Offer
- Announcement for Those Interested in PhD Studies
- Swimming Championship of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Students
- The Presentation of Coventry University, UK
- Ceremonial Academy of the Faculty of Civil Engineering STU
- Reception for the Best Students
- The Open Door Day at the SvF STU
- Deliberations of the Senior Committee
- 12th Ivan Poliaček Seminar on “Pavement Diagnoses and Road-Building Materials” with international participation
- Buildings and Environment 2007
- Creativity, Inventions ad Their Legal Protection, Success and Problems
- 2nd International Conference on “Facility Management – Method of Effective Building Administration”
- Newly Appointed Professors
- Renewable Resources – The Brokerage Event
- Bioforum 2007
- The 13th European Conference on Biotechnology
- The eChallenges e-2007 Conference
- "LL.M. IT- Law" studying in the European Legal Informatics Study Programme
- 10th International Scientific Conference MOBILITA ´07
- 8th International Geotechnical Conference
- 63. General meeting - Fakultätentag fűr Bauingenieur- und Vermessungswesen (FTBV)
- Conference "New Trends in Statics and Dynamics of Buildings"
- Events
- ECTS information package
- Diploma Supplement
- Function
- science & research
- international activities
- faculty
- education
- Erasmus+ Deadline 2022/2023
- Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering
- Not decided yet? Take that step!
- Firmly rooted in an excellent past...
- Searching for sky-high future?
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- Departments and Workplaces