Association for Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting organizes the workshop since 1997. Since 2009, the Department of Concrete Structures and Bridges STU in Bratislava became a co-organizer of this seminar. Our department founded the tradition of organizing this event in the Congress centre of the SAV in the Smolenice castle.
The aim of the seminar is to bring together a broad professional community from the field of concrete and masonry structures dealing with Rehabilitation and Retrofitting. On this professional and social meeting lecturers from Slovakia and abroad inform about the status and causes of failures of concrete and masonry structures, new technologies and materials, planned and finalized reconstructions. In the debate there is enough space for the exchange of information and experiences. Very important parts of the seminar are also personal meetings during breaks and social event. Along with the workshop an exhibition of suppliers, producers, designers and other companies whose activities are related to the issue of reconstruction of concrete and masonry structures is being held.
Manufacturers and suppliers of materials and machinery for the reconstruction and protection of concrete and masonry structures and entrepreneurs from the field of concrete and masonry structures, designers, researchers and developers, specialized high schools and universities, testing institutes and laboratories, investors, employees of state agencies and local government regularly met on this seminar.
Meetings are held in following specialized sections:
- Errors and distortion of concrete and masonry structures
- Diagnosis and testing of concrete and masonry structures
- Restoration materials
- Technological process of restoration
- Strengthening of concrete and masonry structures
Additional information about the seminar available on the following link: ZSBK.