Graduates in this Bachelor study programme study in English language. They acquire a complete first-degree university education with a specialization in civil engineering that covers a broad spectrum of construction professions with the focus put on theoretical and practical aspects of the construction of buildings and engineering and hydraulic structures. Graduates understand the basic theoretical principles and procedures needed for the construction of various types of buildings. Graduates have knowledge of construction materials. The core of the specialized subjects relates to issues concerning civil engineering structures. Graduates are able to design simple structures and present their own solutions to technological and economic problems related to the construction of structures. Graduates are prepared for second-degree study programmes and/or to enter the labour market. There is an opportunity for students to improve their communication skills relevant for the domestic environment through classes held in Slovak during their first year of study.
Study programme: Civil Engineering
Level of study: bachelor
Form of study: full-time
Standard length of study: 3 years
Admitted students planned: 20
Guarantor of study programme: prof. Ing. Štefan Stanko, PhD.
Study coordinator
This study programme is charged. For more information see section Tuition Fees.
Degree Programme Title | SM | CL | AT | LS | PP |
Civil Engineering (CE) * | full-time | E, S ** | Bc. | 3 | 20 |
Geodesy and Cartography (GaK) | full-time | S | Bc. | 3 | 60 |
Structural and Transportation Engineering (IKDS) | full-time | S | Bc. | 3 | 40 |
Landscaping and Landscape Planning (KKP) | full-time | S | Bc. | 3 | 40 |
Mathematical and Computational Modeling (MPM) | full-time | S | Bc. | 3 | 40 |
Building Construction and Architecture (PSA) | full-time | S | Bc. | 4 | 160 |
Building Technology and Management (TMS) | full-time | S | Bc. | 3 | 60 |
Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management (VSVH) | full-time | S | Bc. | 3 | 40 |
- SM - study mode
- CL – course language: E - English, S – Slovak
- AT – academic title
- LS - length of study (years)
- PP - planned number of accepted applicants
- * Abbreviations of study programmes and Departments are the same as in Slovak
- ** Good knowledge of Slovak and English is required
Civil Engineering (CE) - taught in English and Slovak
Graduates in this bachelor programme study in English and partly in Slovak language. Graduates acquire a complete first-degree university education with a specialization in civil engineering that covers a broad spectrum of construction professions with the focus put on theoretical and practical aspects of the construction of buildings and engineering and hydraulic structures. Graduates understand basic theoretical principles and procedures needed for the construction of various types of buildings. They have knowledge of construction materials. The core of the specialized subjects relates to issues concerning civil engineering structures. Graduates are able to design simple structures and present their own solutions to technological and economic problems related to the construction of various kinds of structures. Graduates are prepared for second-degree study programmes or they can enter the labour market. There is an opportunity for students to improve their communication skills relevant for the domestic environment through classes held in Slovak during their first year of study.
Guarantor: prof. Ing. Štefan Stanko, PhD.
Study coordinator
Geodesy and Cartography (GaK)
The specialized profile of the graduates of this bachelor study programme is completed after 6 semesters. Graduates acquire a complete first-degree university education through subjects which build a theoretical, specialized technological and applied foundation. The theoretical foundation of the graduates is achieved by studying natural sciences: mathematics, physics and geology. These are followed by specialized theoretical disciplines: surveying, mathematical geodesy, measurement processes and analyses, spherical astronomy and cosmic and physical geodesy. The study programme also focuses on mastering technological and applied disciplines including local geodesic systems, engineering geodesy, photogrammetry, geoinformatics, topography, cartographic design and reproduction, land consolidation, cadastral mapping, and cadastre of real estate. The graduates' profile is completed by the following subjects: transportation construction, hydraulic engineering and humanities (history of construction, surveying and law). Graduates can find employment in all fields of geodesy, cartography, and cadastre of real estate in government agencies and development organizations, state administration authorities and in private sectors. Furthermore, the graduates are prepared for further studies in geodesy and cartography.
Guarantor: prof. Ing. Alojz Kopáčik, PhD.
Study coordinator
Structural and Transportation Engineering (IKDS)
The graduates of this specialization acquire basic knowledge in the field of design and implementation of structural and transportation engineering projects. They are guided in the creative development of basic theoretical knowledge, structural principles and comprehensive mastering of organizational and technological tasks, while taking into account the principles of reliability. The emphasis is laid on independent thinking and the ability to adjust to new information and to the dynamic development of technologies. Graduates become aware of the social, moral, legal and economic responsibilities of their profession and are able to implement suitable practices in accordance with professional, ethical and legal frameworks. Graduates are prepared for second-degree study programmes or they can enter the labour market. Graduates, who choose to work after graduation, can find employment in many professions in the building industry. Possible professions are in the field of design and implementation of bearing engineering structures, implementation of transportation and water structures, but there are some other specific civil engineering job opportunities as well. Graduates can also be employed by state administration and self-government authorities, environmental authorities, and organizations managing structural engineering works and transportation structures. Furthermore, they can conduct business as licensed entrepreneurs.
Guarantor: prof. Ing. Norbert Jendželovský, PhD.
Study coordinator
Landscaping and Landscape Planning (KKP)
Graduates of this Bachelor programme acquire education in specialized construction which focuses on environmental aspects of building structures as well as on landscape, water, municipal, and transportation engineering. Graduates have basic knowledge of the engineering theory required for building design, for measures and structures serving environmental protection and for the development of partial projects for environmental protection. Graduates gain knowledge about the interaction between natural and anthropic environmental elements, technological and engineering activities, environmental pollutants, valid environmental protection legislation and about the standards and basic procedures of computer-aided engineering work. They understand elementary principles of designing various types of structures, of the protection of society from adverse effects of hydro-meteorological and of landscape processes, and from other adverse environmental factors. They understand the basic procedures of public health and environmental management and protection. They can work as assistants in design teams and in implementation teams for engineering projects and as operators of engineering works, technological and environmental systems focusing on environmental issues of construction, landscape, water, municipal, and transportation engineering.
Guarantor: prof. Ing. Viliam Macura, PhD.
Study coordinator
Mathematical and Computational Modeling (MPM)
Graduates acquire a complete first-degree university education in the specialization of Applied Mathematics with the focus put on computer modelling and analysis of engineering tasks. Graduates understand modern methods of applied mathematics (numerical, statistical, optimization, graphics and visualization methods and software). They are able to work with computers (programming languages, operating systems, computer networks, Internet applications), and have knowledge of applications of mathematical and computer modelling in science and technology. Graduates can be employed in all fields, where mathematical methods and computer analyses are used for practical purposes, e.g. civil, electrical and mechanical engineering as well as bio-engineering, geodesy, informatics, computer graphics, image processing, statistical data analysis, and for certain types of economic and financial applications. Graduates can be employed primarily in companies and teams oriented towards mathematical and computer analyses of engineering tasks and software development for engineering computations and simulations applying modern numerical, statistical, optimization, and visualization methods.
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Karol Mikula, DrSc.
Study coordinator
Building Construction and Architecture (PSA)
Graduates of this study programme acquire a complete first-degree university education in the field of building structures, which focuses on the preparation and implementation of architectural constructions. Graduates acquire and understand theoretical foundations of physical and natural sciences as well as humanities and scientific economic disciplines. This general format is followed by instruction in engineering sciences which are the foundation of applied scientific disciplines in architecture, design and implementation of building structures, engineering and environmental projects.
An important part of the instruction is the development of students' creativity and skills needed for the use of computing technology, the acquisition of a world foreign language and their physical fitness. Graduates are prepared for second degree study programmes specializing in building structures, architecture and urbanism or in structural engineering and transportation engineering. Furthermore, they can enter the labour market. They can be employed as members of creative teams, as independent workers for construction contractors, and as managers of architectural projects. Additionally, graduates can work for building contractor organizations that are involved in building systems and constructing buildings and in the fields of construction-related environmental protection. Other employment opportunities can be found in state administration and regional development, within the educational system and in the management of operations and maintenance of buildings and the like.
Guarantor: prof. Ing. Jozef Hraška, PhD., and doc. Ing. arch. Jarmila Húsenicová, PhD.
Study coordinator
Building Technology and Management (TMS)
Graduates of this Bachelor study programme can be employed in fields which deal with the preparation, implementation, reconstruction and the use of structures in lower level positions, e.g. site managers and chief site supervisors, designers of construction organization plans and construction site facilities, assistant managers of constructions, construction machinery managers, construction quality managers, building operations and maintenance managers, compliance testers, or occupational health and safety and environmental protection officers.
Guarantor: prof. Ing. Jozef Gašparík, PhD.
Study coordinator
Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management (VSVH)
Graduates acquire a complete first-degree university education in this field of study with a specialization in hydraulic structures and water management. They acquire basic knowledge in the fields of hydraulic structures and landscape water resources management, water management systems, public utility networks, water supply and water treatment and sewerage and waste water treatment. The use of computing technology is encouraged in theoretical procedures and in the design, modelling and optimization of calculation procedures. Graduates of this Bachelor programme understand substantial facts and concepts related to the construction and operation of water management facilities. They can use this knowledge in designing and implementing structures in a way that shows understanding of the given context and consequences of alternative decisions. Graduates can be employed by state administration, by local self-government authorities, and by environmental authorities and organizations which manage and operate water management systems in various positions, e.g. company or establishment water managers, assistant designers of water management facilities or operators of irrigation and drainage systems, etc.
Guarantor: prof. Ing. Peter Dušička, PhD., doc. Ing. Silvia Kohnová, PhD., and prof. RNDr. Ivona Škultétyová, PhD.,
Study coordinator