The main aim of the doctoral studies is to prepare graduates for pursuing a career in the chosen scientific area. Candidates are supported by their supervisors. An individual study programme is arranged for each Ph.D. candidate. The study programme includes teaching activities. After completing the minimal requirements, students have to successfully defend their doctoral exam in front of an examination board in order to continue their study. Successful completion of the studies and defence of the dissertation thesis result in the award of the Philosophiae doctor Diploma – Ph.D.
All study programmes listed in the table below are taught in English or Slovak. Based on the previous agreement with the supervisor, the student can choose the language of their study. Study programmes in English are charged (for more information see Tuition Fees).
Overview of doctoral study programmes
Degree Programme Title in Slovak and English | SM | AT | LS | PPS | PPE |
Theory and Structures of Buildings (TKPS) * | F or P | PhD. | 4 or 5 | 5 or 2 | 1 |
Theory and Environmental Technology of Buildings (TTPB) | F or P | PhD. | 4 or 5 | 2 or 2 | 1 |
Theory and Structures of Civil Engineering Works (TKIS) | F or P | PhD. | 4 or 5 | 8 or 2 | 1 |
Water Resources Engineering (VI) | F or P | PhD. | 4 or 5 | 4 or 2 | 1 |
Building Technology (TS) | F or P | PhD. | 4 or 5 | 4 or 2 | 1 |
Landscaping (KR) | F or P | PhD. | 4 or 5 | 1 or 2 | 1 |
Geodesy and Cartography (GaK) | F or P | PhD. | 4 or 5 | 3 or 2 | 1 |
Applied Mathematics (AMAT) | F or P | PhD. | 4 or 5 | 6 or 2 | 1 |
- SM - study mode, F – full-time, P – part-time
- AT - academic title
- LS - length of study (years)
- PPS - planned number of accepted applicants for study in Slovak
- PPE - planned number of accepted applicants for study in English
- * Abbreviations of study programmes and Departments are the same as in Slovak
Graduates acquire a third-degree university education in the specialization of Building Structures. They master scientific research and development methods relevant for building structures and the technological aspects of the development of the environment of buildings. Graduates also understand the principles of individual and team scientific work. They are aware of the social, ethical, environmental, legal and economic aspects of scientific work and of the need for continuing professional development. They are able to come with new ideas in the field of technology of architecture and to present their contributions to this field and to practical building and architectural sectors. They can be employed as members or as leaders of creative research teams in our country and in the European labour market, or as independent scientists at universities, in research and development units. They can work in public and private sectors, in state administrations, in design, development and contractor organizations, and in other organisations with the need of highly qualified expert work in the building sector.
Guarantor: prof. Ing. Boris Bielek, PhD.
Study coordinator
Graduates acquire a comprehensive third-degree university education in the specialization of Building Structures with a focus on issues of the theory and development of technological environments in architectural work and construction. They understand the comprehensive context of separate professional fields of the technological facilities of buildings and the special physical phenomena characterizing water, gas, heating and cooling. They understand all technical and technological systems in the context of the most up-to-date control and regulatory systems in order to develop and experimentally analyse and assess the quality of the internal environment of intelligent buildings, to assess the energy intensiveness of buildings and produce technical and energy audits from an environmental point of view. Graduates of this doctoral program are able to independently resolve tasks of basic and applied research and lead research and auditing teams.
Guarantor: prof. Ing. Dušan Petráš, PhD.
Study coordinator
Graduates acquire a complete third-degree university education in Structural and Transportation Engineering. They master the principles of independent and team scientific work, of the scientific formulation of problems, and of the ethical and environmental aspects of new solutions. They can present their contributions to the given field of study and to the practices of the community. They are aware of the social, legal and economic aspects of their profession and of the need for continuing professional development. They can be employed as creative team members in universities, public and private sectors, by state administrations in design, development and in contractor organizations, or in other organisations with the need of scientific work in the building sector.
Guarantor: prof. Ing. Jana Frankovská, PhD.
Study coordinator
Graduates of the Water Resources Engineering study programme master scientific methods relevant for research and development tasks in the field of water resources management. They understand and can resolve multidisciplinary issues of hydraulic structures, hydroelectric power, water supply and water resources management. They can design a broad array of water management plans, water management systems, water utilities, sewage systems and irrigation and drainage systems. Relevant areas are: the design of catchment management plans, water resources protection plans, waste management and management of integrated catchment areas in urban and rural environments.
Graduates understand scientific research methods, including physical and mathematical modelling, experiments and their evaluation, analyses of results and their application to practical water management issues with the focus laid on water resources management. They are able to develop their own original and interdisciplinary solutions to problems. They understand and can resolve multidisciplinary issues of hydraulic structures and their interaction with the environment within the framework of sustainable development. Graduates are aware of the ethical principles and working methods of scientific work, and they are able to develop their own original solutions to problems, scientifically formulate issues, and independently resolve those issues by applying the needed modern knowledge in connection with the environmental and economic impacts on the interconnected research-development-operation. Graduates are prepared to develop scientific perspectives in an array of areas of water structures and water management, and to enter the labour market. They can be employed by scientific and research units, in universities and institutes of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, and in other scientific and research units, e.g. in water management projects dealing with demanding tasks involving integrated water resources management, and in urban, industrial, agricultural and municipal sectors.
Guarantor: prof. Ing. Silvia Kohnová, PhD.
Study coordinator
Graduates of the Building Technology study programme master scientific research and development methods in the Building Industry with the focus put on theories of building technology. They conduct scientific research and develop their own solutions to issues related to building technology. They understand the principles of scientific work and the aspects of the life cycle of buildings; they can scientifically formulate solutions to problems involving environmental and economic aspects of new technologies and products.
Guarantor: prof. Ing. Stanislav Unčík, PhD.
Study coordinator
Graduates acquire a third-degree university education in the specialization of Landscape Design with the emphasis put on the acquisition of broad knowledge in scientific areas related to the revitalization of various landscape components and to the ecological stability of landscapes with simultaneous conservation or improvement of aesthetic values of landscapes and of the environment. The study programme focuses on scientific research and on the evaluation and assessment of soil, water, and air protection, and on the disposal of waste. On the basis of their profound theoretical knowledge of landscapes (non-biological and biological systems), graduates are able to use mathematical analyses and scientific experiments (laboratory and on site) in order to conduct scientific research, to develop solutions in areas of their specializations, to identify core problems and issues, to formulate principal research goals and procedures, and to draw conclusions concerning the development of theoretical knowledge, and its practical application. Graduates can be employed primarily in research and science.
Guarantor: prof. Ing. Milan Čistý, PhD.
Study coordinator
Graduates of this study programme acquire a complete third-degree university education in the specialization of geodesy and cartography with the focus laid on the following areas: precise, integrated four-dimensional geodetic systems, geodynamics, space geodetic technologies, modelling of the Earth's gravity field in space and time, spatial database building and spatial modelling, digital cartography, photogrammetry and remote sensing, engineering geodesy, monitoring of spatial shifts and deformations of structures and buildings, optimal arrangements of agricultural land, real estates and cadastre of real estate within an information environment. Graduates master the principles of both independent and team scientific work, methods of the scientific formulation of problems, theoretical models and the selection of technological instruments and their procedures. They can be employed as skilled experts in domestic and international scientific, research and educational institutions, state administration authorities, development, contractor and design organizations, or in the business sector, especially in relation to new technologies and their practical application.
Guarantor: prof. Ing. Alojz Kopáčik, PhD.
Study coordinator
Graduates of the third-degree study programme in Applied Mathematics are able to independently resolve quantitatively-expressed technological issues in both theoretical and practical areas with the use of cutting-edge mathematical engineering software (ANSYS, MATHEMATICA, STATGRAPHICS, etc.). In their narrowly specialized area, graduates have a thorough understanding of the recent developments in the given specialization, and they participate in profound theoretical developments in their respective areas.
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Karol Mikula, DrSc.
Study coordinator