Radlinskeho 11, Block A, 6th floor, 810 05 Bratislava 15, Slovak Republic
Head of Department: doc. Ing. Renata Ďuračiová, PhD. E-mail: renata.duraciova [at] stuba.sk
Tel.: +421 2 32 888 535, +421 2 32 888 534 |
The Department of Theoretical Geodesy and Geoinformatics covers education in mathematical geodesy, physical geodesy, geodetic astronomy, satellite geodesy, processing and analysis of measurements, and geoinformatics. Our research activities concentrate on geodetic monitoring and analysis of global, regional and local geodynamic phenomena, precise positioning by combinations of various geodetic techniques, precise geoid determination, metrology and data processing, as well as geoinformatics, spatial analysis, and predictive modelling.
Research is supported by an observatory for geodetic astronomy and satellite geodesy, a laboratory for geoinformatics, a laboratory for metrology in geodesy, and a reference geodynamic control station in Modra - Piesok, including a permanent GPS station and reference marks for absolute and relative gravity measurements.
Department of Theoretical Geodesy and Geoinformatics
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Radlinskeho 11
810 05 Bratislava
tel.: +421 2 32 888 535
e-mail: kgza [at] svf.stuba.sk
or contact an employee of the department directly