On June 12-13, 2025, the Department of Geotechnics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, is organizing the 16th SGK Conference, which will be held at Hotel Akademia, Stará Lesná, in the High Tatras.
The conference registration fee is €280. For participants from universities, the registration fee is €220, and the student registration fee is €150. The fee includes the participation, social evening, and electronic conference proceedings. You can register for the conference via the below registration form or by email at skgeo25@gmail.com.
Company promotion will be ensured through on-site presentation during the conference in form of a presentation desk, or advertising in the conference proceedings. For those interested in becoming a conference partner, please contact the member of the Organizing Committee responsible for the promotion and sponsoring.
Predseda prípravného výboru:
prof. Ing. Jana Frankovská, PhD. jana.frankovska@stuba.sk +421 2 32 888 666
Sekretariát konferencie:
Ing. Eliška Kučová, PhD. eliska.kucova@stuba.sk +421 2 32 888 667
Company promotion and sponsoring:
doc. Mgr. Martin Ondrášik, PhD. martin.ondrasik@stuba.sk +421 2 32 888 674
Please submit the title and abstract of your contribution via the following registration form by March 31, 2025.
Please prepare the registered contributions according to the following template by April 30, 2025.
On June 15-16, 2023, the Department of Geotechnics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, under the auspices of the Slovak Environment Agency, organized a conference in the High Tatras.
Scientific guarantors:
prof. Ing. Peter Turček, PhD. prof. Ing. Jozef Hulla, DrSc. prof. Ing. Emília Bednárová, PhD.
Scientific Committee Members:
prof. RNDr. Miloslav Kopecký, PhD. (predseda) prof. RNDr. Martin Bednarik, PhD. prof. Ing. Marián Drusa, PhD.
prof. Ing. Ivan Vaníček, DrSc. doc. RNDr. Eva Hrubešová PhD. Ing. Petr Kučera doc. Ing. Lumír Miča, PhD.
doc. Ing. Eva Panulinová, PhD. doc. Dr. Ing. Jan Pruška, PhD.
Organization Committee Members: → tu
Photo Gallery: