On Monday, November 18th, 2024, on the occasion of the International Student Day, the dean of the faculty awarded forty-one students of SvF for excellent academic performance, for extracurricular activities in the SvF STU Student Association, and for the sports representation of the faculty and university.
The awardees received their honorary degrees from the hands of the dean, prof. Stanislav Unčík in the presence of other members and a member of the management - vice dean for science and research prof. Kamila Hlavčová, vice dean for external relations and cooperation with the practice prof. Katarína Gajdošová and vice dean for education and internal quality system doc. Peter Makýš.
"We meet here with the best and most active representatives of the student community. Allow me to congratulate you on your academic results. I am happy about your achievements and I believe that you will inspire other students with your example," said Dean Unčík at the beginning of the meeting. Along with the award, the students received a special scholarship, a package of gift items and a sponsorship subscription to professional titles from partner publishers. The publishing house FORUM donated an annual subscription to the print magazine EUROSTAV to the students, and the publishing house JAGA GROUP donated a print subscription to the magazine Stavebné materiály.
At the end of the meeting, the students discussed with the members of the management, for example, other possibilities for the reconstruction of the faculty's premises, suggestions regarding the study or a deeper implementation of environmental principles in the teaching of study programs.
List of awarded students:
Salko | Georgy | 2. B-CExA |
Nano | Tedi | 3. B-CE |
Krásný | Branislav | 2. B-GAK |
Bitarovec | Andrej | 3. B-GAK |
Bartaloš | Richárd Bálint | 2. B-IKD |
Hlbočan | Matúš | 3. B-IKD |
Pavlík | Milan | 2. B-KKP |
Straňanková | Barbara | 3. B-KKP |
Kharlamau | Mikhail | 2. B-MPM |
Babich | Nikita | 3. B-MPM |
Kotegov | Mikhail | 2. B-PSA |
Puškár | Matej | 3. B-PSA |
Daniel | Andreas | 4. B-PSA |
Lisovska | Diana | 2. B-TMS |
Šinák | Martin | 3. B-TMS |
Melega | Oliver | 2. B-VSH |
Peťková | Zuzana | 3. B-VSH |
Štrajcher | Matúš | 2. I-AKP |
Szabóová | Csilla | 2. I-CE |
Drdáková | Kristína | 2. I-GAK |
Juríčková | Miriam | 2. I-KKP |
Káčer | Katarína | 2. I-MPM |
Vajašová | Rebecca | 2. I-NKS |
Podskočová | Petra | 2. I-PSA |
Vlčko | Ondrej | 2. I-TS |
Lőrinczová | Erika | 2. I-TZB |
Bilčíková | Natália | 2. I-VSH |
Sokol | Martin | D-Theory and technology of the building environment |
Wael | Almikaeel | D-Water management engineering |
Hakszer | Tomáš | D-Theory and buildings construction |
Brindza | Ján | D-Geodesy and Cartography |
Kalafut | Juraj | D-Applied mathematics |
Babenko | Maryna | D-Technology of constructions |
Pecka | Ján | D-Theory and constructions of engineering structures |
Považanová | Barbora | D-Landscaping |
Klimík | Samuel | ZŠ SvF |
Macáková | Kristína | ZŠ SvF |
Šimkaninová | Tamara | ZŠ SvF |
Sádovská | Kristína | ZŠ SvF |
Kubeková | Laura | ZŠ SvF |
Čukanová | Michaela | sport |
Congratulations to all awardees!