In November, a HeartSine AED semi-automatic external defibrillator was installed at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Slovak University of Technology. It is designed so that in the event of sudden cardiac arrest, anyone can provide assistance easily and quickly. At the same time, it is registered in the public network of defibrillators and, if necessary, is available for use as quickly as possible not only at the faculty, but also in its immediate vicinity.
- After removing the AED defibrillator from the box and turning it on, it gives the user voice instructions in Czech language.
- It automatically analyzes the victim's heart rhythm.
- If it determines that an electric shock is necessary, it instructs by voice to resuscitate a victim and deliver an electric shock.
- The type of defibrillator located at SvF STU can be used on people weighing more than 25 kg or larger than an average eight-year-old child.
Umiestnenie defibrilátora v bloku B
- The defibrillator is located in block B next to the gatehouse in a box marked with a green sticker with the AED symbol.
- There is a sticker on the entrance door from Imricha Karvaša Street, which informs that there is a defibrillator in the building.
- The defibrillator is registered in system of Emergency medical service operations center. It can therefore also be used in the event of need in the vicinity of the SvF STU.
Information about the defibrillator, a user manual, and an instructional video are permanently posted on the faculty's website in the public section.
User manual
Instructional video