Three of our students won prizes in the bachelor's thesis competition. The ceremony of announcing the results and awarding prizes for the 18th year of the national ABF Bachelor 2024 competition took place on February 27th, 2025 at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Žilina.
Our students won awards in three out of four competition categories.
First place in the Building Constructions section was won by Bc. Barbora Haladová with her bachelor's thesis Apartment Building under the supervision of Ing. Peter Hartman, PhD., from the Department of Building Constructions.
Another first place was taken by Bc. Rebeka Álló in the Water Structures and Water Management section with the work Monitoring of Slope Movements Using GNSS Technology, led by Ing. Juraj Papčo, PhD., from the Department of Global Geodesy and Geoinformatics.
Bc. Tomáš Krajčovič placed third in the Architecture, Urbanism, Architectural Design section with his work Port and Coast of a Holiday Resort in Croatia. His thesis supervisor was Ing. arch. Ing. Tomáš Ruhig, PhD., from the Department of Architecture.
The BACHELOR'S Award of the Association for the Development of Slovak Architecture and Construction - ABF Slovakia is awarded annually in a nationwide competition to university students in Slovakia for the best final bachelor's thesis.
We heartily congratulate the winners and wish them success in their further studies.
Photo: Faculty of Civil engineering, University of Žilina