V súvislosti s programom South-East Europe (SEE) Transnational Cooperation Programme spoločnosť TLC Consulting s.r.l. hľadá v SR potenciálnych partnerov pre nižšie uvedený projektový návrh.
Kontaktná osoba:
Dott.ssa Elena Rivetta
elena.rivetta@tlcconsulting-srl.it Táto emailová adresa je zabezpečená proti spamovým robotom, musíte mať aktivovný Javascript na jej zobrazenie , TLC Consulting s.r.l., Via del Bettolino, 3 25050 Paderno Franciacorta Brescia - Italia, Tel. +39 030 657415, Fax +39 030 6577275, www.tlcconsulting-srl.it
Title: Company TV for the facilitation of innovation and entrepreneurship in the SEE area.
Acronym: INC
Priority Axis 1: Facilitation of innovation and entrepreneurship.
Area of Intervention 1.3: Enhance the framework conditions and pave the way for innovation
Aim: Mobilising existing institutions (e.g. research institutes, education
centres, media) in contacting and communicating via ICT with citizen to promote innovation.
Executive Summary
The planned project proposal is focused on the study and development of a transnational coordination and exchange mechanism aimed at the promotion of innovation in the SEE area.The project named "INC" is a communication initiative directed to the citizens with a special focus on young people and finalized to the promotion of public interest in innovation as well as science and technology in general.The envisaged transnational coordination and exchange mechanism will be characterized by two main components:
A pool of multimedia contents relevant for the SEE area, designed and implemented within
an intensive transnational cooperation of the participants
(universities and other public institutions). These contents will be
conceived to both promote the understanding of innovation among the
citizens of the area and stimulate the attraction of young people for
science and technology;
Design and implementation of pilot clusters of specialized media units
(Company TV) based on an innovative technology developed by the
University of Milan Bicocca in collaboration with a Lombardy SME. These
clusters each made of a significant number of units will be deployed in
public locations (schools, airports, railway stations, .....) carefully
selected by involved local participants following a common strategy and
communication plan.
The participation to the INC consortium is focused on universities, research centres, higher education institutions and public administrations.
The proposed list of participants is:
1. University of Milan Bicocca IT
2. University of Insubria IT
3. University of Pavia IT
4. University Polytechnica Bucarest RO
5. Moldova State University MO
6. Academy Economic Science Moldova MO
7. Mihailo Pupin Institute SB
8. Region of Sterea Ellada GR
The universities and research centres involved in the project cover a wide range of innovation and science and technology. The SEE areas that can potentially be addresses by a common exchange and coordination mechanism cover a significant sample of the SEE extension.This include Northern Italy, Moldova, Romania, Serbia and Greece.
The proposed communication technology is something more pregnant and suitable for the scope than web sites and web portals.Company TV a technology developed in collaboration by University of Bicocca and SMEs is made of large screen interactive TV units delivering at a specific point (e.g. the waiting room of a station or the hall of a secondary school) multimedia streams on demand.The unit organized in clusters are managed via standard communication networks including the internet. This management includes the upload of contents and the monitoring of the unit activity including the acquisition of data about the statistics of the selected streams The study and definition of an incremental delivery plan for contents suitable for the stimulation of the interest of young people for science and technology (with stress on those areas of science and technology more relevant in each SEE area involved) and for attracting the citizen attention and support to innovation in general and specific innovation initiative is a key factor of the project.This delivery plan is feasible through transnational cooperation only.INC will include the participation of the private sector, specifically SMEs, although it is not possible to directly support private businesses.
The full project proposal will develop in detail the communication concept, identify a precise pilot implementation and define in detail the contents to be delivered.